Saving for my first apartment

Saving to write a novel

Many people dream of writing a novel, but it can be hard to find the time and energy to focus on a novel when you are also working a full-time job to pay the bills. Often getting some time off work to focus on your novel can help you to get the space to finish the book you've been dreaming of writing. 

Chat to your boss

If you like your current job, why not chat to your boss about taking a career break? More and more employers are seeing that offering employees unpaid leave for projects such as writing a novel can be a good option for keep staff engaged and excited about working for the company. A career break gives you maximum flexibility to write your novel without sacrificing your career. 

Ask for help

If you've been contributing to a number of fundraising efforts for different projects your friends and family have been working on, then this may be the time to put your hand out and ask for some money. Be sure to formulate some reward for your backers such as giving them a pre-read of chapters, the rights to name some minor characters or an invite to a launch party. The more tangible the fundraising 'rewards' are to your final project, the more confident people will feel about committing funds to the project. 

Start saving

It can be a good idea to save as much as possible so that you can spend as much time as you need finishing the novel. Work out how many months you think you need to finish the book, then calculate your basic living expenses for that time. This gives you a concrete goal to aim toward when you start saving and shows any friends and family who are helping out that you are also contributing financially to the project. 

See a financial advisor

If you are planning a significant change to your income, such as stopping work for an extended period to write a novel, it can be a good idea to chat to a financial advisor. They can look at your tax obligations and current debts and assets to help you work out the best time to take time off to work and how to structure your leave for maximum efficiency. 

Even if your novel does not turn out to be a huge hit, the process of writing a novel can be a huge life achievement. Why not start planning your novel now?
